Remembering John Helland

For John Helland, and the mentors that shape us

A legendary environmentalist

that “I had to meet”

it’s funny to me now

that I was nervous to shake hands with a kind soul

a decade ago

I was young, looking to network

to get ahead

he was on the other end,

looking to give back

and he did

“You should write a book,” he said

people liked to tell me this

but John set up meetings

“We’re getting breakfast with so and so to talk about that book”

as if it were actually on the table

I’d tag along for kicks

with someone who saw something in me that I couldn’t

who has been on my list of references for every job I’ve applied for since

he’d say things like, “you’d be stupid not to hire her” 

when they called

in March on a Zoom call

he met my baby Lucy

while we discussed Minnesota Water Trails

my mentor, a jolly grandfather figure

I think he read everything I ever published

often sending notes

“I like how you snuck policy issues into this tourism piece”

I heard he was thrilled to receive my book

I’m forever indebted

infinitely grateful

to the souls that give and give

and ask for nothing in return