A Life Unfolding
For my daughter, Lucy
They say parents need time to mourn
when their child inevitably becomes something different than expected
twisting out of the mental mold you made for them
hopefully out of love
I stay up some nights forcing myself to imagine
every possible route your life could take
trying not to settle in
refusing to be surprised
in one life you have four partners
I delight in buying a larger dining room table
endless voices echo through our home
I see the joy each person brings to you
I love that you are so loved
in another life you marry a pirate
and delight in spending idle time by water
you grow old and become the ocean
I never experience you fully again
but you let me sail your waters
I peek below and wait for you to envelop me
or not
every moment you shape shift in my mind
you live alone at the top of a high rise in London
I don’t ask you if you will have children
then you decide to live in space
“You always enjoyed the quiet winters in your childhood home,” I might think
as I watch your story unfold